A space where you can admire Irsap products, touch the finishes, view the entire range of colours and see the wide choice of shapes that complete and enhance every single model.
Living this 360° experience means discovering that IRSAP is able to offer the most suitable solutions to meet modern architectural and aesthetic needs.
Not just a Showroom ... but a 360° experience

Virtual Showroom
Technology combined with reality
"Immersive" virtual reality skillfully mixes the interactive perception provided by new technologies with actual reality.
Our virtual showroom allows you to visit of our headquarters in Arquà Polesine, from all over the world and from the comfort of your home. .
Within everyone's reach
Wherever you are, at any time and with any device. You can visit our SHOWROOM using a computer, a virtual helmet, a tablet or a simple smartphone.
Each device allows you to live the experience of the visit with different degrees of immersion to turn a simple device into a real visit to our home. Inside the showroom you can find different environments,, our history, the museum, as well as the VMC technical area. Why not come and visit us ... virtually, by clicking the link below.