IRSAP talks about sustainability to middle school students

On Friday 23rd February, IRSAP received 3 classes from the Istituto Comprensivo di Badia Polesine - Trecenta, a total of 50 students, to talk about sustainability.
During the visit to the IRSAP Museum, the students learned about the company's 60 year history and in our IRSAP Experience Showroom they had the opportunity to see our product range up close.
Following the tour, the students were guided to our conference room, where our Sustainability Specialist led them through a small team quiz, explaining IRSAP's commitment to environmental and social sustainability.
The school chose IRSAP as part of the proposed orientation experience for three reasons:
- IRSAP's significance in the socio-economic fabric of the local area
- The company's international importance and reputation
- IRSAP's dedication to sustainability issues