A selective exhibition of objects and images documenting important aspects of IRSAP's history. A place that represents the path of evolution, innovation and passion that leads the visitor to the heart of the company, its history and its values.
Not just a museum... but a place to convey emotions

The Birth of an Idea
1962…“I have an idea” said the young man Mr. Zen as soon as he joined his friend Mr. Rossi in front of the stationery shop.
“An idea?” “yes, an idea. Why don’t we produce radiators?” “Radiators?
But I sell notebooks” explained Mr. Rossi. “Well then I’ll produce them and you’ll go to sell them” answered Mr. Zen.
The two kept silent, whilst thinking on it. “Where do we begin to produce radiators?” asked Mr. Rossi. “Ah, I don’t know anything about it” answered the other, and both of them burst out laughing. (from the Company novel “Four Welded Tubes”).
Our History
A path between creativity and entrepreneurship
Founded in 1963 by Orazio Rossi and Livio Zen, IRSAP SPA rose rapidly to solid leadership in the production of steel tubular radiators, immediately adopting a revolutionary point of view in the heating sector: decorating with heat.
Capitalising on the progress made in the working of steel, the study of refined design and the use of a wide range of colours and finishes, since the early 80s IRSAP has been introducing truly innovative concepts, not intended merely as a heating object but also as an element of design, with enriching new shapes, colours, and functions, and bringing all this new meaning together in the brand name i termoarredatori ®.
More than just a registered trademark, these two words represent a service philosophy applied to the product. Using radiators through the choice of over 500,000 different combinations in terms of shape, size, and colour offered a new way to decorate interiors.
Today IRSAP is the Ieader in Italy and one of the largest producers in Europe’s heating market. This solid leadership has been consolidated over the years by elevated quality standards, continuous innovation, excellent service, maximum reliability, and constant attention to the customer.

On show in the museum is the original NOVO towel warmer radiator prototype, which was first produced in 1982.
The yellow finish is the original colour and was installed in the corridor of the IRSAP offices, and still works very well to this day.
The TESI multi-column radiator, which was produced in 1967, was installed in the dressing room of the machine shop. The “hammered antique gold” varnishing is original finish.
A MONOFLUX valve is connected to the radiator, which IRSAP commercialised in the 70s.
To the right the Multicolumn radiator in a Gold-plated finish. Produced to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Tesi and exhibited at Mostra Convegno Expocomfort in Milan in 2018.
Glittering welding-machine for Tesi Mulit-column heads
The first glittering welding-machine, entirely designed and built by IRSAP in 1967, and which subsequently was used in production. It worked until 1998, producing about 15,000,000 multi column welded heads throughout its lifetime.
After this first welding-machine, 8 more were built and put in the production lines. In 1998 all of them were replaced by subsequent manufacture glittering welding-machines, designed and built in-house and which worked until 2008 when the new laser welding centres were installed.

Industrial Robot
Used in IRSAP’s production plants for handling, welding and grinding of radiators.
The ever-increasing use of these machines has allowed the improvement of productivity, quality and safety. The first robot was purchased by IRSAP in 1998, with various other purchased, developed and installed in IRSAP's production plants thereafter.